Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The dance party for Ladies and Gentleman「Dream Promenade 2007 Winter for romantic encounter」


Hello everyone!

We would like to inform you that we are holding a dance party for ladies and gentlemen.
Of course, this party can be a wonderful occasion for meeting new people!
Dress yourself up and find a nice dance partner! (appropriate attire is required; Tuxedo for gentlemen, evening dress for ladies)
And just in case, we will have some free Tuxedos and dresses.


The dance party for Ladies and Gentleman
Dream Promenade 2007 Winter
~ for romantic encounter~

★Time:December, 2nd, 2007 (Sun.) 8:15pm~11:00pm( Japan time)(SL Time 4:15-)
★Place:The Mermaid's temple, Gorlen Bay (76, 195, 35)

PM8:30~ :Dance Party Starts

★About the dance party
We will have 4 sequences of talk time and dance time.
Talk time: This is when you find your partner and meet people.
Dance time: Let's dance! And get to know your partner!

1st cycle 8:30PM~
2nd cycle 9:00PM~
3rd cycle 9:30PM~
4th cycle 10:00PM~

★Qualification;Whoever wants to meet new people/couples/Anybody who wants to enjoy dancing or try it!

★Limit of participants:no limit. (It may crash the entire sim! But that means a great success!)

★Dress Code:

Formal Attire (No wings nor costumes please)
Gentlemen: Tuxedo or something equivalent of
Ladies:Evening dress (Ones with high exposure are not granted)

★Avatar code:
Avatars which can not dance are not granted one's entry, such as robats and animals walks on 4 feet. (Furry avatars which can walk on two feet are OK! Just wear the formal attire.)

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